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HomePodcastHeal Anything with Frequency: In-Depth Insights from Dr. Iman Antonious

Heal Anything with Frequency: In-Depth Insights from Dr. Iman Antonious

Mastery Podcast with Dr. Sas

Heal Anything with Frequency: In-Depth Insights from Dr. Iman Antonious

In this enlightening episode, join us as we delve into the transformative world of frequency healing with the esteemed Dr. Iman Antonious, also known as the mind behind GG Terahertz and the creator of the GG 6 Therapy Mega Heating Mat. From the incredible healing potential of GG Terahertz to the therapeutic impact of the GG 6 Therapy Mega Heating Mat, Dr. Antonious shares her expertise on how these innovative technologies can address a spectrum of health challenges, including tissue healing and cancer.

More information about Dr. Iman Antonious (“Dr. A”):
Website: https://globalgenesiscomp.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iman767/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iman.antonious/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imanantonious/



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